A programme for lasting change

The Wellness Unwrapped programme is a catalyst for lasting change. Over the course of six weeks, I’ll guide you down the road to becoming healthier, calmer, more energised and more positive. I know that getting healthy can seem overwhelming. That’s why I’ve broken it down for you into small, simple steps – with me cheering you on every step of the way. I’ve created bite-sized, easy-to-follow videos for you to watch at your own pace, whenever suits you – and which you’ll have lifetime’s access to. You’ll go away with the tools to care for your own wellbeing for the rest of your life, as well as being a role model for your loved ones.
Watch Intro Video

Does this sound like you?

  • Do you feel sapped of energy and exhausted by your busy-busy mind?

  • Have you got frustrated with yourself for not being able to follow through on your plans to get healthy?

  • Is your “all or nothing” approach to health sabotaging you?

  • Are you sick of beating yourself up?

“I feel happier, positive, less stressed, more "myself" again!”

Are you ready to unwrap your wellness?

We all know that our wellness is down to what we do day in day out. But changing our habits isn’t easy – as you’ve probably already discovered! Maybe you’ve tried in the past to make changes and have got frustrated with yourself because you've got dragged back by old habits and our amazing capacity to self-sabotage.

Since following my heart to retrain as a health coach and EFT practitioner, I’ve coached hundreds of people back to vibrant health.  I know what works and what doesn't work. I know that self-criticism, an all-or-nothing approach and perfectionism don’t help anyone – they just increase our sense of failure and helplessness. 

Information alone does not get us to change either. If all we needed was information, we’d all be glowing with vibrant health – because there’s advice on health every which way we look! People don’t need more information: what they’re crying out for is inspiration and the support in putting what they know into practice. They need help in bridging the huge gulf between having the knowledge...and actually being able to apply it to their own life. 

So what does work in transforming our wellbeing? Cultivating self-compassion. Learning to be kind to ourselves. Going gently and slowly. Taking baby steps. Celebrating every tiny success. Keeping our sights firmly set on what we’re doing right, rather than what we’re doing wrong. Teaming up with others who have the same goal. Having someone in our corner who’s cheering us on every step of the way.

“The Wellness Unwrapped programme helped me be less harsh on myself. Suzy is very kind and patient – she helped me to stay motivated and positive. She’s like a fairy godmother of health and wellbeing.”

How will you benefit?

The Wellness Unwrapped programme will transform your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing – and put you firmly in the driving seat of your own health. I’ve drawn on a diverse skill-set – from positive psychology to EFT (also known as tapping) – to cherry-pick what I know actually works in empowering people to change their lives.

It all starts with being able to manage our stress and access our inner calm (yes, it’s in there somewhere!). As you may have already discovered, it’s incredibly hard to make positive lifestyle changes when we're in a state of complete overwhelm and anxiety – we just don’t have the headspace for it. That’s why I’ve woven powerful self-calming techniques (like tapping, breathing practices, gratitude and visualisation) throughout this programme.

Making changes on our own is really tough. That's why I'm so passionate about enabling people to get healthy as a team. Joining this programme will allow you to benefit from a wonderful group momentum and energy which make the process of change joyful and easy. 

I've taken all of my knowledge of neuroscience, behaviour change and coaching and created a programme that is simple, fun and accessible for you. 

Over the course of six weeks, I’ll gently hold your hand through the process of making small, simple changes which will add up to a huge shift in how you feel.  The wonderful thing about these changes is that they ripple out beyond our health to all areas of our life: enhancing everything from our relationships with others to our self-esteem and our career prospects.

“Before I joined this programme, I was struggling with a feeling of helplessness. Now I feel more confident. I have more energy and I’m sleeping better.”

Who is this programme for?

This programme is NOT for you if:

  • You’re not ready to prioritise your own wellbeing.

  • You’re looking for an overnight transformation or quick-fix.

  • You’re not ready to start to make small changes to your lifestyle.

“For someone who has always had high expectations of myself, this programme has been transformative.”

What does the programme involve?

I’ve broken lifestyle change into bite-sized, easy-to-follow videos for you to watch at your leisure and at your own pace. I’ve designed the process to be gradual and easy so that you’ll feel motivated by your success - rather than battered down by yet another failed attempt at changing your habits! And I’ve woven well-researched practices (such as tapping, visualisation and gratitude) throughout the programme. These will empower you to change your mindset - for good. There are also additional resources for you to download to help you with your progress. Plus, I’ll be in touch with you via the community page, to keep you feeling motivated!

Programme Contents

Introduction to Wellness Unwrapped

Module 1: Setting your Sat-Nav and tapping yourself calm

Module 2: Harnessing the healing power of gratitude

Module 3: What to eat to feel your best

Module 4: Cultivating self-compassion around your relationship with food

Module 5: Food as medicine – and how to eat mindfully 

Module 6: How to get better sleep

Module 7: Breaking free of anxious thinking

Module 8: Starting your day with a self-boosting morning routine 

Module 9: Bringing joyful movement into your life 

Module 10: Let’s get creative! Bringing positive energy into your life 

Module 11: Finding your meaning and purpose in life 

Module 12: Nothing breeds success like success!

About me

I'm Suzy Glaskie - Functional Medicine health coach and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner. Back when I was juggling a relentlessly stressful job in PR with bringing up my three kids, my own wellbeing fell to the bottom of my very long to-do list. I was overwhelmed, exhausted, irritable and regularly suffered from all sorts of weird ailments. I’m happy to report that I’ve since transformed my own health and wellbeing. I can honestly tell you that I feel a whole lot more vibrant and calmer at the age of 50 than I did at the age of 30 or 40. I learned the hard way how to look after myself. My passion now is to share what I’ve learnt and empower you to feel great too.

Your investment

Core Programme - £175

You also have the option of adding on one-to-one, 50-minute coaching sessions with me (via Skype or Zoom) in which we can work on any emotional blocks, particular health challenges or limiting self-beliefs you want to shift.

Core Programme plus 2 x 1:1 sessions - £345

Core Programme plus 4 x 1:1 sessions - £525

Interested in this programme? Email [email protected] to be added to the waiting list.

“Me being happier has been lovely for me, but has also had a huge effect on those around me. I just generally feel like I’m coping better with everything in my life.”

What people are saying

  • “Suzy makes sticking to healthy habits less daunting and helps you to give yourself a good dose of self-compassion.”

  • “I’m eating better and without pressuring myself. My new mantra is “be kind to yourself – only focus on the positive”. I can honestly say it’s been life-changing.”

  • “Before joining Wellness Unwrapped, I was an “all or nothing” person but now I’m less angry with myself. Suzy is gentle, compassionate, credible and authentic.”

“Suzy has this amazing ability to make you feel relaxed and her gentle and authentic approach helps you feel really supported.”

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How often will I receive new content?

    You will receive the programme content in bite-sized chunks of video content twice a week. You can go at your own pace and watch the videos whenever works for you.

  • How long do I have access to the content for?

    You’ll have unlimited, lifetime access to this programme – so you can revisit any part of it whenever you feel you need a boost to your wellness in the future.

  • How do I watch the course?

    You can watch the course on our online platform available through your browser. You can view the course on most devices, including your phone. However, you will get the most out of the course by viewing it on your laptop or desktop computer.

  • Do I need any special equipment?

    All you need is a pad and pen. You can access the course content from any device. There are additional resources provided that you can print off if you choose.

As seen in